Monday 19 November 2012


                Known as the female stone and a highly evolved healing stone which gives healing and balancing to the female reproductive organs. Carnelian alleviates menstrual cramps , PMS and regulates the female cycle, it also aids in conception and creativity whether in ideas or infants, so it is a very useful aid for artists or  writers when they have a block.
Because of its warm energy it is a powerful stimulant causes the chakras to open and blockages to clear.
Ruled by Venus Carnelian governs the sacrum or the belly chakra so therefore it can used in healing for any problems in those areas especially sexual healing, frigidity and orgasm problems .
Carnelian is a form of Chalcedony an opaque stone sometimes known as carnelia  Agate, usually orange although colours can vary from peach to brown. This stone was very popular in Egypt and was worn by royalty tp bring peace when there was unrest.
Even today it is kept in homes to guard against lightening and storms , it is used to counteract doubt  and negative thoughts .
If worn around the neck on a silver chain, it is an excellent aid for any kind of public speaking.
Carnelian is a great letting go stone as it aids the process of releasing past hurts and allowing the process of moving on.

Carnelian is also a useful tool for :
Gallstones .
Balancing .
Sociability .
Mood raiser .
Blood purifier .
Nose bleeds .
Infections .
Sores .
Joy .
Depression .
Liver problems.
Period pains .
Toxins .
Sinus problems .
Bad dreams.
Carnelian .
Bright orange to red changing colour in the sun levels of iron oxide affects the colour
Best obtained from Brazil, Uruguay or India


From: The Earth's Library by Maryelle Grace.
available from Kindle, Amazon and Lulu books.